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Briefing meeting attaches

Briefing meeting regarding SME financing opportunities provided by CFC

Following requests from member countries, the Common Fund for Commodities will be arranging a briefing meeting to provide an overview of the challenges of financing commodity value chains and how financing opportunities offered by the CFC for SMEs in the agriculture sector could help overcome these challenges. This briefing meeting aims to increase awareness and understanding of these opportunities among embassy, trade promotion and business representatives based in the Netherlands and beyond.

The meeting has the following objectives:

  1. To provide an overview of the challenges of financing commodity value chains in the agriculture sector.
  2. To discuss the financing opportunities offered by the CFC for SMEs in commodity value chains.
  3. To highlight the eligibility criteria and application procedures for accessing financing  from the CFC.
  4. To share experiences and insights on SME financing in commodity value chains from different countries.

The briefing meeting will take place at the headquarters of the CFC at Rietlandpark 301, 1019DW Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on Wednesday, 24 May 2023 at 14:00 hrs CET

For registration, please email .  Please note that in view of the limited space, the Secretariat will handle a first come, first serve policy.

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